8. September 2020 – Nachricht aus Máréfalva

Eine positive und erfreuliche Nachricht von Balázs Dávid aus Máréfalva hat uns erreicht! Er schildert die Fortschritte in der Umsetzung des Projektes.

Dear Friends, Dear Andreas!

After a long period of silence, I am pleased to tell you that I can share a bunch of good news and positive developments with you.

Above all, I can inform you that we received  in may a total of 96 Siemmentalian pied cattles, this being the basis of our (starting) livestock. I’ve got to tell you that they are absolutely cute calves, ranged from 8 to 18 months of age.

Together with my fellows we have put in lots of hours of work to organize and control proper grazing of the animals, and – believe it or not – since the end of april we spent every single weekend with collective work. We have managed to make five drinking troughs on the pasture providing the animals with clean drinking. We have built an electric fence, and we have cleaned the pasture.

It was a delightfull experience to drive the animals out to pasture. When they arrived in may, we put them for three days in a cattle corral for them to get used to one another as well as to the electric fence. We were worried at first, becasue we knew that driving the calves out to pasture would be a bit risky at the beginning, knowing that grazing the pasture they would tend to spread out, but luckily everything went just perfect. We hired a cowherd who constantly looks after the calves but we also check them regularly, and look after their necessary therapy as well.

So far we have had no bear attacks, but we are affraid of this potential danger, in spite of the fact that we have a full coverage livestock insurance.

Another important task still needs to be solved is the housing conditions for the livestock for the winter until the new co-operative barn is completed. For the time being we are renting an adequate building to their needs. So far we have made aprox. 250 tones of hay (stored in the rented building), and we will soon start building some more livestock drinking troughs for the winter.

Our plan is to inseminate them in 2021, and they should be calving hopefully in 2022, for the first time.

We are continuously working on the implementation of the project. The implementation planning will be completed soon, after which the authorization of it should follow, and we hope to start the building operations before winter or in spring 2021.

In the meantime even the delivery of the machinary has occured. We have received as follows: two 80 horsepower Fendt tractors; one front loader truck; one hay bale delivery truck; one 6 000L tank truck; one rotary mower; one big mowing machine; one baling press machine; one tedder machine; one manure spreader; one snow plow. These machines have been set-up, and we have already used some of them for haymaking.

To be honest, I am delighted to be part of this grand project, and it is a pleasure for me to take part in this teamwork. Although we talk about a constantly tuff and draining work, but I have to tell you that it is very satisfying, and by the end of each day I feel that the hard work really pays off.

To conclude, I once again would like to thank you for your help and trust. We are in constant touch with Andreas, and if you have any questions or need further information please fell free to contact us or Andreas with confidence.

Best regards,
